Steenbergen bv,
Providing logistic services for over 100 years
Steenbergen b.v. is a logistic service provider specialised in 24-hour distribution of shipments within the Benelux.
Since its establishment in Bodegraven (the Netherlands) in 1907, Steenbergen B.V. has developed into a big player in the national and international transport sector, employing over 300 active employees and deploying some 250 transport units by road on a daily basis. These transport units are kept in an excellent condition in the company’s wholly-owned and certified garage at all times. The staff and transport units are distributed over 5 crossdock warehouses that are strategically distributed across the Netherlands and Belgium, enabling Steenbergen b.v. to provide guaranteed quick delivery of the client’s goods at all times. Steenbergen b.v. has over 100 years of experience and a staff that thinks proactively with the client to offer a solution that suits all the client’s logistics problems.
Features of the Steenbergen family business include its own fleet and its established workforce – staff with 40 years of service or more are no exception. This policy means that all our staff works according to the ‘Steenbergen procedure’ and that the different establishments cooperate in a clear and efficient way. In addition, this simple procedure has the advantage that all our staff – regardless of their respective establishment – provide similar assistance.
If you are looking for more information on the services and specialties of Steenbergen b.v. then take a quick look at Services!
Steenbergen b.v.’s company policy focusses on continuity through long-term cooperation with its clients. Its Quality Policy is a vital part thereof. The market in which Steenbergen b.v. operates is characterized by both increasing pressure exerted by shippers on the services to be delivered and intense competition. As a result, quality deliveries are absolutely essential.
The management’s active approach and the use of a documented and fully implemented quality management system put this quest for quality into practice. It goes without saying that all our staff have to observe all the rules and regulations, while having the freedom to offer suggestions for improvements. The requirements of quality standards such as NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2008 are considered as an essential instrument to realize this policy and the management has adopted the aforementioned standards in full.
Basic principles of our quality policy are:
Dragan Guzijan, Quality Assurance Manager:“Clients have expectations regarding the quality that Steenbergen B.V. should deliver. For this reason, it is very important for our company not only to live up to their expectations but to exceed them.”
“Clients have expectations regarding the quality that Steenbergen B.V. should deliver.“
“I have seen how Steenbergen bv has grown into the distribution powerhouse that it is today.“
Because of the rapid changes and numerous innovations in the logistics sector, the IT department has an important role to play in Steenbergen b.v.’s organisation! Not only is it important to make optimal use of the internal data flow, but also to constantly improve the data flow from and to the clients. Steenbergen b.v. seeks to automate labour intensive processes to the greatest possible extent.
With its partner “Art Systems”, a digital environment was created for the clients. This is where they can present their shipments. This online environment enables clients to present their shipments in a simple and rapid way to Steenbergen b.v.. If you are looking for more information about the online import system of Steenbergen b.v., please visit the Shipment Information page.
Additionally, Steenbergen b.v. has the required knowledge and experience regarding “Electronic Data Interchange” (EDI) and our IT department will be happy to discuss possible solutions regarding data interchange between your and Steenbergen b.v.’s systems. Together, the most efficient solution is sought to ship your consignment to Steenbergen b.v..
Steenbergen b.v. has moved its work environment to a Cloud workstation that enables all staff to use all business systems always and anywhere. This ensures that this flexible work environment is never switched “off”. 2013 also marked the switch to the new “Transport Management System” that has created a direct connection between the planning system and the digital Track & Trace environment of Steenbergen b.v.. Thanks to the permanent communication between all these systems, our staff can easily react to possible clients’ wishes.